I've been super short on time lately. I'm sure a lot of you are feeling the same way - never having enough time on your side.
However, my lack of time gave me a great idea for this blog post - quick tips to pass along to any hurried twin moms and dads-to-be.
Here are my top 5 quick twins advice for moms and dads expecting twins/multiples:
1. Read everything you can about raising twins (of course!) - Read books, magazine articles, blogs, and talk to as many people in the twins community as you can. Once you've built up a pretty good knowledge base, use what you've learned to form your own thoughts and ideas about how to best care for your twins.
2. Try to find the humor in all situations - This is especially important during the very stressful first year. My husband once came home to find me in my bra and underwear standing in the kitchen wearing one slipper while trying to clean up two simultaneous blow-out diapers.
3. Trust that you'll know what's best for your family at any given moment and follow your gut.
4. Keep your twins on the same schedule or don't - You will find what works for you and your situation. I didn't keep my twins on the same schedule because to me it was easier dealing with one baby at at time based on their needs at that moment.
5. The first year is the hardest, but it goes by quickly - Cherish is special time with your twins and try to sneak in as much sleep as you can.
What quick tips can you share? Please post below!
Awesome advice! I would totally recommend reading Healthy sleep Habits, Healthy child...and I do believe they have one that is for multiples now. Sleep schedules EARLY are what saved us. :)